I never knew the sun could be so bright...

... and I'm saying this even with clouds hanging low from the heavenly rafters. I swear, a lazy one just passed right by our 35th floor window. It's just so bright I'm squinting. Working the night shift for 10 straight months has really taken its toll on my eyesight, and my entire system for that matter. I don't even know if my biological clock is set right anymore. Life is now skewed. S-k-e-w-e-d. Not screwed. That's different.

So I am literally coming out of the darkness and into the light. I am a morning person again -- a VERY EARLY morning person. 4AM shift. Which is not so bad, considering I get off at 1 or 2pm. Plenty of time to do stuff, go places. Plenty of time for myself. I can pick up my girlfriend again like any normal boyfriend should!

Normal for two months. Wattalife.


My head is a mess right now. There is so much I want to say, yet the words in my head just can't seem to find their way to my fingers. And when I realize that, my brain suddenly flatlines. There... it goes... again...

I've to go now. Mustn't waste the daylight.
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