This Year's List
I purposely held off making any resolutions at the start of the new year for fear that I might make my decisions in haste. I don't want to be the next person to so boldly declare to go to the gym more often, only to find myself buying a copy of my next favorite video game and develop a new passion for potato chips and soda, and becoming a couch potato and gain 200 pounds overnight. Not this year. These are to be tests of resolve, discipline, honesty, faith, trust. This year, I take my resolutions seriously.
So now I start my list a week into 2006.
LOSE WEIGHT. By a thin man's standards, I am now a lard of fat. At 160 pounds, I am overweight. By ALMOST 20 POUNDS. Every day my back aches from the extra weight and my shin bones always feel raw from supporting this, er, "bloated" body (I am still thin enough to fit two of me through doorways). Brrrr. My regular diet of burgers and fries is rearing its ugly head in the form of extra baggage at the sides of my belly. Bilbil, man. Bilbil. I not only suffer aesthetically, health has become a serious issue too. I recently had a nasty cold that kept me out of work for 2 days (good thing it started during my vacation -- if you can even call that a good thing.), I keep having headaches and I'm always sleepy which I think is the direct result of my unhealthy lifestyle. I take vitamins and drink fruit juices and try to get all the sun that I can, I still need a drastic change by laying off the grease. And it goes without saying that my second resolution is directly related to this one.
VISIT THE GYM AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK. If it were possible to just stick a flaming torch to my side and burn all the fat away, I would. It seems that the healthier, and more fun way to achieve this goal is to work out (unfortunately this also requires a LOT more discipline.) with an honest-to-goodness, no-nonsense program/regimen. I religiously play basketball and badminton on the weekends, but they are not the total development and tone-down workouts that I need. In fact, if I can fit swimming in my schedule at least once a week, I would be on my way. I don't want bulging biceps, 6-pack abs, or firm buttocks. I just want a fit and trim physique I can confidently walk around with without trying to suck my stomach in every few seconds. My only problem is that my gym is a bit off my home-office route, but I guess that makes it the perfect gym to go to. By conditioning my mind to go out of my way to visit the gym, I instill discipline. Now for motivation, do you think I should put up an Arnold Schwarzenegger pin-up in my room? Too hardcore, I know. Probably also wouldn't sit well with my roommates.
SAVE MONEY for cripes sakes! You're not getting any younger; you're also not getting any richer. You don't have an inheritance, not a single square foot of land to stand on, no rice fields or orchards to grow old on or apples to munch on till your teeth rot and fall out. All you have are the clothes on your back and the few moths in your wallet. Grow up and get a life, a real one. Be more responsible and realize that there's a future to prepare for (though I've heard that this is one of the worst ways to die -- preparing for the future. Another would be while sitting down on the toilet reading a gentleman's magazine). Seriously, I have so many plans that are on hold right now because of a below-sea-level savings account. Right now I am making the effort on scrimping and saving. First, I set a target amount I wanted to save at the end of the year. Then I realized that it was a bit of a tall order, and since this is a first-time resolution (can you believe that??? I haven't even saved money before), I decided to set a target amount for 6 months and then go from there. Seems a bit more manageable.
That actually is the end of my list.
A pretty short one this year, but a lot more worthwhile, significant, and life-changing. I've decided to take things seriously this year, doing away with 'Eat less junk food' or 'Wear a different pair of socks for every day of each month' resolutions that just end up being scrapped in the first place. I mean, these things require NO or little resolve in accomplishing.
resolution - 1.resolving of something
the resolution of a difficulty.
a firm decision to do something.
These probably sum it all up.
Inside the top drawer of my file cabinet at work, there is a Post-it note stuck to the side with the following question written down -- "What should I do with my life?" It is an everyday testament to the uncertainty this life treads that I acknowledge each day. Every time I open my drawer I see that Post-it note (I resisted the temptation of sticking it to the ceiling above my bed so I can see it every time I wake up. I think that's a bit too extreme.) I mentioned this bit of weakness so that I can acknowledge that at last I am making something of my life, 3 New Year’s resolutions at a time.
So now I start my list a week into 2006.
LOSE WEIGHT. By a thin man's standards, I am now a lard of fat. At 160 pounds, I am overweight. By ALMOST 20 POUNDS. Every day my back aches from the extra weight and my shin bones always feel raw from supporting this, er, "bloated" body (I am still thin enough to fit two of me through doorways). Brrrr. My regular diet of burgers and fries is rearing its ugly head in the form of extra baggage at the sides of my belly. Bilbil, man. Bilbil. I not only suffer aesthetically, health has become a serious issue too. I recently had a nasty cold that kept me out of work for 2 days (good thing it started during my vacation -- if you can even call that a good thing.), I keep having headaches and I'm always sleepy which I think is the direct result of my unhealthy lifestyle. I take vitamins and drink fruit juices and try to get all the sun that I can, I still need a drastic change by laying off the grease. And it goes without saying that my second resolution is directly related to this one.
VISIT THE GYM AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK. If it were possible to just stick a flaming torch to my side and burn all the fat away, I would. It seems that the healthier, and more fun way to achieve this goal is to work out (unfortunately this also requires a LOT more discipline.) with an honest-to-goodness, no-nonsense program/regimen. I religiously play basketball and badminton on the weekends, but they are not the total development and tone-down workouts that I need. In fact, if I can fit swimming in my schedule at least once a week, I would be on my way. I don't want bulging biceps, 6-pack abs, or firm buttocks. I just want a fit and trim physique I can confidently walk around with without trying to suck my stomach in every few seconds. My only problem is that my gym is a bit off my home-office route, but I guess that makes it the perfect gym to go to. By conditioning my mind to go out of my way to visit the gym, I instill discipline. Now for motivation, do you think I should put up an Arnold Schwarzenegger pin-up in my room? Too hardcore, I know. Probably also wouldn't sit well with my roommates.
SAVE MONEY for cripes sakes! You're not getting any younger; you're also not getting any richer. You don't have an inheritance, not a single square foot of land to stand on, no rice fields or orchards to grow old on or apples to munch on till your teeth rot and fall out. All you have are the clothes on your back and the few moths in your wallet. Grow up and get a life, a real one. Be more responsible and realize that there's a future to prepare for (though I've heard that this is one of the worst ways to die -- preparing for the future. Another would be while sitting down on the toilet reading a gentleman's magazine). Seriously, I have so many plans that are on hold right now because of a below-sea-level savings account. Right now I am making the effort on scrimping and saving. First, I set a target amount I wanted to save at the end of the year. Then I realized that it was a bit of a tall order, and since this is a first-time resolution (can you believe that??? I haven't even saved money before), I decided to set a target amount for 6 months and then go from there. Seems a bit more manageable.
That actually is the end of my list.
A pretty short one this year, but a lot more worthwhile, significant, and life-changing. I've decided to take things seriously this year, doing away with 'Eat less junk food' or 'Wear a different pair of socks for every day of each month' resolutions that just end up being scrapped in the first place. I mean, these things require NO or little resolve in accomplishing.
resolution - 1.resolving of something
the resolution of a difficulty.
a firm decision to do something.
These probably sum it all up.
Inside the top drawer of my file cabinet at work, there is a Post-it note stuck to the side with the following question written down -- "What should I do with my life?" It is an everyday testament to the uncertainty this life treads that I acknowledge each day. Every time I open my drawer I see that Post-it note (I resisted the temptation of sticking it to the ceiling above my bed so I can see it every time I wake up. I think that's a bit too extreme.) I mentioned this bit of weakness so that I can acknowledge that at last I am making something of my life, 3 New Year’s resolutions at a time.
Good luck sa imong resolutions, bai. Ingong nila save first daw, dayon ang sobra mao ang igasto, dili nga ang sobra mao ang i-save kay kung ingon ana daw you end up not saving anything. Ambot lang pud unsa ka tinuod...
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Work on it kuya Don! :D I'm sure you can!
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hi kuya don. ayayay. :0)sakit ako hawak bai. bitaw, just go for it man. the first thing i did when i came back from uk was to enroll in a fitness program. i think i'm there already. i mean my ideal weight. it feels good to be fit. you feel less tired. you know what i'm talkin about.
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sure kuya Don! you can link it. :D I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you so much! :D
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kuya Don! UPDATE!!!
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