A Happy Ending

One of the blogs that I religiously followed since I started this whole blogging thing is this blog by Jeff. It's a well-written story about a guy in love with a girl (frankly, it seems that all stories start with somebody being in love with somebody, but I digress.) Anyway, Jeff chronicles his rants, misgivings, and broken-hearted, angst-driven stories about how Marga (the girl in his story) pisses him off every day, and he can't do anything about it because they're not a couple. He's just a "Kuya" figure. So he updates his blog with all these adventures which has the makings of a Hollywood movie. I've been told that a book and a script are in the works right now.

And so the story, or more specifically, the blog, has come to the end of its purpose. After all the gut-wrenching, tear-inducing stories, someone has finally slapped Marga in the face to and made her realize that Jeff was just waiting in the wings like a real gentleman, not taking advantage of his "Kuya" status, and has decided that she loves him too. Awwwww. Very cute. They are now finally a couple.

So after a looooong wait by his blog fans, all the hair-pulling and nail-biting can be laid to rest. The couple themselves have posted a single he-said she-said entry that explains the whole fiasco. Pretty cute knowing that Jeff showed Marga the blog that was brought to life because of their story. And thus I find it very fitting that they ended it together.

So I want to say thank you to Jeff for a, uhm, entertaining, blog experience. YOu should win some blog award or something. Even if you are a complete and utter stranger. Good luck to ya and to Marga.


And yet another happy ending. Good to see some of those stories still end that way.
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Comment by Blogger Display Nameā„¢ 11:47 AM

MAAAAANGSSS!! abot naka US???    

Comment by Blogger Don Manganar 12:27 AM

Yep. Heheheh :D    

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